Make them pay…make them pay

Carried away by ever-rising real estate prices and aided and abetted by new types of financial instruments, the financial system’s overindulgence in risk has left taxpayers with a nasty hangover, a hefty tab, and a desire to make someone pay. Commentators have blamed the financial meltdown on the attitude towards risk generated by banks’ corporate … Read more

An economist at the movies

Although movies dealing with themes of economics and high finance are common, it is rare to see films with economists cast in starring roles.  This past week I managed to see two. In Freakonomics: The Movie, the economist is portrayed as hero.  Based on the book of the same name by economist Steven Levitt and … Read more

Opening salvo

I have been writing about banking and financial issues in the academic and popular media for some time.  Although I will continue to publish pieces in these venues, some writings lend themselves better to the blog format.  Stay tuned!